UK Education Research and Innovation Ltd.


The MAT2MAT programme facilitates skills and support brokerage between multi-academy trusts (MATs), via a simple to use on-line portal. It enables MATs to register their strengths and support needs, and broadcast them privately to other MATs. In doing so trusts are ‘matched’ to each other on the basis of their complementary strengths and weaknesses, thus facilitating meaningful collaboration.

The system encourages MATs to seek, or offer, any type of support. This might range from a simple telephone call, to a MAT visit to, or from, the other MAT.

How do needs and offers get broadcast?

Privately, in two ways;

  • Via an automated weekly newsletter, distributed within a pre-defined group of trusts.
  • Member MATs can log into the system at any time, browse offers of support and the needs of others, and set-up / update their own support needs and where they can offer others support.

How secure is it?

The system is hosted on a secure, encrypted system, with 99% up-time and full 24 hour back-up.

Who uses it?

Large and small MATS and individual academies.

Can any MAT use it?


How can I/we set it up for our own group of schools?

Very easily. We can set you up as a stand-alone group, or link you to a wider group. Everything is tailor-able. To use the system, simply join the project (click here). We will then explain what to do and how to use it.

For more information see

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